Saturday, January 1, 2011

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

Next in my series on homemade cleaners is dishwasher detergent. This is absolutly the easiest cleaner to prepare, and if you have made any of my previous cleaners then you already have the ingredients. This stuff works really great, and costs only pennies. I definitly recommend putting vinegar in the rinse department of your machine, otherwise you might end up with a powdery residue on your dishes.

Dishwasher Detergent:

1 cup Washing Soda
1 cup Borax

  • Mix thoroughly and store in a plastic container (I save my peanut butter containers from Winco), use approximately 2 TBS per load.
  • Use vinegar in the rinse compartment as a rinse agent to help prevent residue
  • Try adding 2-3 drops essential oil (I prefer lemon)

If you’re having a cloudy dishes problem after using the homemade detergents:
  • Try adding a few drops of liquid dishsoap to the powder compartment when you add the powder.
  • You could also try cutting back on the amount of soap used (if you’re using 2 TBS, try cutting it back to 1 – 1 1/2 TBS).
  • Make sure to use vinegar in the rinse cycle

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