Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hand Made Tortillas

Day one of our "making everything from scratch" plan we had burritos on the menu which means home made tortillas and refried beans. The refried beans were really easy and you can find the recipe here Refried Beans Recipe. The recipe for the tortillas is simple but rolling them out can be a bit challenging unless you follow my simple steps below. I soaked my grains but this step is not vital and completely optional, for more about the health benefits of soaking read here.  These hand made tortillas may not look as perfect as the store bought ones but they are tender and very tasty!

Whole Grain Tortillas

3 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup water
1 Tbl lemon juice
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt

Combine ingredients then turn out onto a work surface and knead until workable but not too stiff. Shape into 8 to 10 balls and let sit for 10 minutes.

Take a piece of parchment paper and measure out a ten inch square. This is used to eyeball the size of your tortilla. They do not need to be perfect but this helps. Then sandwich your dough ball between the parchment with the square and another piece and roll out.
Then peel the top piece of parchment paper away and flip onto a skillet or griddle that is slightly greased and has been pre-heated over medium heat. Then peel away the remaining piece of parchment paper and cook the tortilla for 20 to 30 seconds per side until it is done but not yet browned.
Then when you are ready to assemble your burritos all you have to do is warm up the tortillas on the griddle and fill with your favorite fillings and enjoy!


  1. You make it sound so easy- I don't know if my husband and kids would go for the whole wheat or not (not that you and I don't know how much better it is! )

  2. Super easy and really good! They were easy to roll thin, didn't crack when rolled into a burrito and were a much nicer texture than whole wheat tortillas from the grocery store. I'm eating a burrito with my home-cooked black beans right now! Yummy. Thanks for recipe, Natalie!
